Kabul Sthlm Paris

Angereds Teater

Photo: Nadim Elazzeh

When 23000 unaccompanied children fled from Afghanistan in 2015 to seek asylum Sweden’s prime minister declared ”My Europe doesn’t build walls, we help each other when the need is great”. But the Swedish political need for a ”room to breathe” would become a waiting room for asylum seekers. In this waiting room many would reach adulthood and their chances of obtaining residence permits in Sweden would be lost.

In Kabul Sthlm Paris we meet a group of young Swedish-speaking Afghans who all share the same experience. They had created a life in Sweden, received rejections from the Migration Agency and were forced to flee once again. Many went to Paris. Once there, they try to establish a new life with a new language in a new social context. Some study, some work. Many continue to live in uncertainty about their future. Some live on the streets in tent camps. Some have been granted residence permits and many have good chances of obtaining them. Many long to return to Sweden. Many have stopped calling Sweden their home.

During a research period spanning several years, the team collected material through interviews in Sweden and France. In the spring of 2023 the theatre started a course for young adults with origin from Afghanistan, who were curious about acting and who themselves have experience of being in an asylum process. These people have created and now participate in the show together with two actors. The performance is also an exhibition where you can take part of more stories collected and get more info about the situation for migrants in Europe. 

“It made me regain faith in the theater’s ability to tell a story that touches me on all levels.” Public Voice

Angered Theatre was founded in 1978 and is an independent theatre situated in the suburb of Gothenburg. The theatre produces high-quality contemporary performing arts (for children, youths and adults) with an international and local touch. A common thread in the artistic direction is to work participatory with the inhabitants of Angered and with authentic stories as starting points.  www.angeredsteater.se

On stage: Abo Wejdan, Alexandro Soltani, Alireza Masomi (Haydar), Elin Bornell, Farhad Mohammadi, Farid Tajik, Gabriel Ibrahimi, Javid Davoudi & Otto Båth
Director: Johanna Larsson
Choreographer: Fredrika Byman Moberg 
Playwright: Kristian Hallberg 
Set design & Costume: Linda Wallgren 
Music/sound: Kristina Issa 
Filmmaker and assistent artistic team: Alireza Naghavi 
Technician and co-creator: Otto Båth
Drama facilitators: Erika Modén & Mina Nadolski Friberg 
Legal advisor specialized in migration law: Tinna Wejstål 
Target group: Youths, adults
Duration: 90 minutes
Kabul Sthlm Paris cannot be performed in its entirety, but parts of the performance will be presented.

Contact: Gabriella Duraffourd, Producer, +46 (0) 706 40 34 32, gabriella@angeredsteater.se