Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner/Royal Court Theatre in collaboration with Riksteatern

A performance that can almost be described as an Olympic feat in which the actors, Nancy Ofori and Rachel Ann Willer, throw themselves between the Twitter feed and reality with a furious pace and glowing interplay. Doreen Ndagire’s congenial translation of Jasmine Lee Jones’ text makes it fit perfectly into a Swedish context. Both IRL and online, it explores friendship, relationships, cultural appropriation, queerness and colourism, but above all the capitalisation and ownership of the black body.
— Motivation of the selection jury
A witty and multi-layered performance in the digital frontier. When Forbes named the youngest sister of the Kardashian family, Kylie Jenner, as “The youngest self-made billionaire”, Cleo had enough and tweeted with her anonymous account, @INCOGNEGRO, a sharp and humorous list of methods to murder Kylie Jenner. Cleo’s tweets are funny, sharp, and insightful about social injustice, racism, and capitalism. Her friend Kara gets worried, does Cleo really have to be so threatening? Soon the tone changes as likes and retweets are replaced by hate mail and knife emojis. The line between internet personas and IRL relationships is blurred, and the increased scrutiny Cleo faces puts her real friendship with Kara under pressure.
Seven methods of killing kylie jenner embodies life both IRL and through the meme language of the twitter stream to explore stereotypes of black femininity, colourism, white capitalist exploitation and political activism in social media.
In this set, there is grossly racist and sexual language. The set includes some sequences of flashing lights, loud noises, stage smoke and smoking of theatre cigarettes.
A Royal Court Theatre production in collaboration with Riksteatern.
By Jasmine Lee-Jones
Translation Doreen Ndagire
Director Milli Bhatia
Direction of movement Delphine Gaborit
Set & Costume Design Royal Court Theatre: Rajha Shakiry
Lighting Design Royal Court Theatre: Jessica Hung Han Yun
Sound design Elena Peña
Scenography & costume Riksteatern Annika Bromberg
Lighting design Riksteatern Sofie Anderson
Assistant sound designer Isabella Kear
Dramaturge Edward Bromberg and Alexander Charlamov
Assistant director Norea Sandberg
Substitute Maud Forsman
Publisher Colombine Theatre Publishers
Starring Cleo, Nancy Ofori, Kara, Rachel Ann Willer