Artist talk – Risk or Representation

Artist talk – Risk or Representation
Arranged by Manegen and Nycirkus ÖstLouis De Geer Konsert & Kongress
Wednesday May 24, 15:00-15:45Alexander Weibel Weibel is performing his piece Breaking Point at Scenkonstbiennalen 2017. Alex explores the tension created due to expectations and people´s relation to different materials, riggings or everyday objects. The risk is real and taking place here and now. Is it a real risk or does he perform risk? How does that relate to the way theatre often represents rather than presents the “real” thing.
Viktoria Dalborg, with experience from theatre and circus as director, actor and artist shares her perspective on risk or representation in the artistic process.Facilitator:
John-Paul Zaccharini, Associate Professor in Circus, University of the Arts, Stockholm
Alexander Weibel Weibel, circus artist
Viktoria Dalborg, Artistic Director of Kompani Giraff and acting head of the BA at DOCH, University of the Arts, Stockholm