Theatre as Resistance – artistic expression as political manifestation

Theatre as Resistance – artistic expression as political manifestation
Arranged by ScensverigeLouis De Geer Konsert & Kongress
Saturday May 27 maj, 10:00-11:45Artistic expression as a political manifestation.
In 2016, the number of offenses against artistes and crimes against artistic freedom around the world doubled according to a recent report. We present the facts surrounding this together with Jonatan Stanczak, The Freedom Theatre i Jenin, Nadia Brodskaya and Svetlana Sugako, Belarus Free Theatre and Abduljaebbar Alsuhili, comedian, actor and activist from Yemen.
The Freedom Theatre operates under occupation in the Jenin refugee camp with performances for children, youth and adults. The theatre also arrange training in theatre, photography and film.
The Belarus Free Theatre is one of Europe’s most exposed political theatres and continues its activities underground in Minsk, while the management is living in exile in London.
Abduljaebbar Alsuhili was active during the Arab Spring in Yemen but since 2015 he is in exile in Jordan after his group Rwabiit was labeled as terrorists by the regime. During two years he hold a grant from Helsingborg and is the first person from the performing arts intustry to have the status sanctuary artist (fristadskonstnär).Facilitators:
Dritero Kasapi, Kulturhuset Stadsteatern
Ann Mari Engel, ITI:s Action Committee for Artists Rights
Jonatan Stanczak, The Freedom Theatre in Jenin
Nadia Brodskaya, Belarus Free Theatre
Svetlana Sugako, Belarus Free Theatre
Abduljaebbar Alsuhili, comedian, actor and activist from Yemen
The seminar is arranged in collaboration with Kulturhuset Stadsteatern and ITI’s Action Committe for Artists Rights.