Världsdansdagen 29 april

Den 29 april varje år firas världsdansdagen runt om i hela världen. Dagen uppmärksammar det unika i danskonsten och dess universella roll för människor i alla delar av världen. Varje år ger International Theatre Institute (ITI) ett uppdrag till en konstnär att skriva ett världsdansbudskap. 2021 har balettdansaren Friedemann Vogel från Tyskland valts ut för att dela sitt budskap.

Världsdansbudskapet 2021 av Friedemann Vogel

” Everything starts with movement – an instinct we all have – and dance is movement
refined to communicate. Much as flawless technique is important and impressive, it is ultimately what the dancer expresses inside the movement that is the essence.

As dancers, we are constantly on the move, aspiring to create these unforgettable
moments. Regardless of the dance genre, it’s what every dancer strives to achieve. So, when all of a sudden, we aren’t allowed to perform anymore, with theatres closed and festivals cancelled, our worlds come to a standstill. No physical contact. No shows. No audiences. Never in recent history has the dance community been so collectively challenged to stay motivated, to find our raison d’être.

Yet, it is precisely when something precious has been taken away from us that we truly appreciate how vital it is what we do, and how much dance means to society at large. Dancers are often celebrated for their physical prowess, when in fact we are sustained even more by our mental strength. I believe it is this unique combination of physical and psychological agility that will help us overcome, to reinvent ourselves to keep dancing, and to keep inspiring.”

Läs mer om Friedemann Vogel.

Världsteaterdagen 27 mars

Den 27 mars varje år firas världsteaterdagen runt om i hela världen. Dagen uppmärksammar det unika i teaterkonsten och dess universella roll för människor i alla delar av världen. Varje år ger International Theatre Institute (ITI) ett uppdrag till en konstnär att skriva ett världsteaterbudskap. 2021 har skådespelaren Hellen Mirren valts ut att dela sitt budskap.

Världsteaterbudskapet 2021 av Helen Mirren

“This has been such a very difficult time for live performance and many artists,
technicians and craftsmen and women have struggled in a profession that is already fraught with insecurity.

Maybe that always present insecurity has made them more able to survive this pandemic with wit and courage.

Their imagination has already translated itself, in these new circumstances, into inventive, entertaining and moving ways to communicate, thanks of course in large part to the internet. 

Human beings have told each other stories for as long as they have been on the planet. The beautiful culture of theatre will live for as long as we stay here.

The creative urge of writers, designers, dancers, singers, actors, musicians, directors, will never be suffocated and in the very near future will flourish again with a new energy and a new understanding of the world we all share.

I can’t wait!”

Läs mer om Hellen Mirren.